CDC Flu Vaccination

I Get It


Flu is a serious respiratory illness that affects millions of Americans each year – and in severe cases, can lead to hospitalization and even death. CDC estimates that annual deaths from flu have ranged from 12,000 to 52,000 from 2010 to 2020. Going into the 2021-2022 flu season, CDC was faced with a unique environment, navigating the continued spread of COVID-19 and looming threat of a “twindemic.”



Flu-related illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths can be prevented with annual flu vaccination, yet vaccination rates dropped significantly during the 2021-2022 season compared with pre-pandemic seasons. Despite being higher risk, flu vaccination lags among adults living with certain chronic conditions. During the 2021-2022 season, preliminary estimates suggested flu vaccine uptake was also down across other higher risk groups, including pregnant people, infants and young children, and adults 65 years and older.

Our Approach

2022our approach
Formative audience research highlighted that our diverse audience had several motivators for getting their flu shots, depending on their unique situations. Leveraging audience insights such as this and working closely with CDC, we developed “I Get It,” a campaign that helps encourage flu vaccination by highlighting the unique reasons people get a flu shot – based on what is most important to them.

Our Solution

We created and implemented an integrated, cross-channel approach with fresh creative to break through the feeds filled with COVID-19 information. Efforts included paid and earned media, an organic content engine across CDC channels, and partner activations. When real-time preliminary data showed significant decreases in vaccination among other higher risk groups, including pregnant people and young children, we pivoted to expand our campaign to include tailored creative and new content formats to appropriately reach these audiences.
The “I Get It” paid media campaign has generated over 73.1 million impressions, 93.4k clicks, and a 18.89% conversion rate (as of January 2022).
Over the course of the campaign, we released six mat releases targeting our core audiences, resulting in over 6.3 million impressions and 15.6k engaged views.
In just one week, our “fluette” activation became the second most popular Reel in CDC Instagram history, with over 379k organic views and over 10k likes.


73.1+ Million

6.3+ Million

379K+ Views

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