Employee Spotlight Chris Harris

Chris Harris

VP, Public Affairs & Social Impact


When did you start working at Powell Tate?

February 2021

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever gotten?

Treat people well and listen to what they have to say.

If you weren’t working in this industry, what would you want to do?

Half-time travel photographer, half-time food writer.

Three words that describe you?

Funny, Social, Thoughtful.

“I love working alongside diverse colleagues with unique backgrounds and skillsets. Every meeting feels like an all-star team that was thoughtfully assembled to meet each client’s needs.”


Chris Harris


What’s something surprising people might not know about you?

I sang in an emo band in college.

What’s your favorite way to unwind in your free time?

Going for a hike and then sitting outside at a brewery.

Where would you love to travel in the world to gain inspiration?

Galápagos Islands

What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?

Kansas City BBQ

Amid the 2024 elections, Pulse on Political Narratives is a first-of-its-kind, AI-powered study identifying what candidates across the political spectrum are saying about issues that matter to companies and their stakeholders.