Employee Spotlight Ginny Scales

Ginny Scales

Manager, Digital


When did you start working at Powell Tate?

I’ve been with Powell Tate since September of 2017 when I started as an intern.

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever gotten?

Early on in my career I was told to “be a sponge,” and I’ve really taken that to heart. Just try to soak in all of the insights, strategic thinking and creativity from the smart people around you, and emulate that in your own work.

What’s the coolest (or weirdest) place a project has taken you?

I’d have to say it’s a toss up between the National Postal Forum in Indianapolis, IN and the Google/Jigsaw office at Chelsea Market in New York.

What’s the best thing you’ve seen happen inside Powell Tate office?

This is tough… but I might have to say the commitment from a certain employee, armed with a crock pot from home, to help his colleagues properly celebrate National Hot Dog Day. 

If you weren’t working in this industry, what would you want to do?

I absolutely LOVE interior design and architecture, it allows me to be creative and create spaces that make me happy in my own home and would be super fun to help make that happen for other people. 

“I get to learn from the smartest, most talented, and creative minds, and I am inspired by these people every. single. day.”


Ginny Scales


What’s something surprising people might not know about you?

This won’t be surprising to those who have seen my desk in the office or my Instagram… but I am a HUGE Georgia Bulldogs fan. Go Dawgs!

What’s your favorite way to unwind in your free time?

I love to explore and try new DC restaurants! I’m on a mission to find the best rooftop happy hour for the summer.

Where would you love to travel in the world to gain inspiration?

There’s something about a tropical climate and crystal clear blue water that inspires me, I’d love to travel to Bora Bora in French Polynesia.

What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?

I’m from Lexington, Kentucky (the horse capital of the world!) and my favorite thing is the horse races every fall and spring at Keeneland, our local race track.

Who is someone that inspires you right now?

Currently inspired by Queen Elizabeth II as she celebrates her Platinum Jubilee, if she can make it 70 years on the throne I can make it through my Teams calls. 💪

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