Employee Spotlight Trish Taylor

Trish Taylor

Executive Vice President, Healthcare Lead


When did you start working at Powell Tate?

Just over a year ago – April 2021.

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever gotten?

Build your personal brand every day (week, month). Doing great work for clients is fantastic (and appreciated) but within each of these opportunities, we are also building our own skillsets and experiences. Look at the range of opportunities you are being given and seek out ones that you need to grow your own brand into, what you want to stand for and want to be known for.

What’s the coolest (or weirdest) place a project has taken you?

The bowling alley in the White House (for the Lets Move! campaign) and a Native American reservation in New Mexico for (very non-traditional) focus groups.

What’s the best thing you’ve seen happen inside Powell Tate office?

How our team has each others’ backs and supports each other. There are no weak links.. people will jump in wherever, whenever, and however needed.

If you weren’t working in this industry, what would you want to do?

Be a fitness/health coach.

“The super-smart and very kind people. Not often do both traits co-exist.”


Trish Taylor


What’s something surprising people might not know about you?

I rebuilt homes in Phuket, Thailand after the Tsunami.

What’s your favorite way to unwind in your free time?

Read, run (not fast or far), or take a dance class.

Where would you love to travel in the world to gain inspiration?


What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?

Shady Glen Ice Cream Parlor– best homemade ice cream EVER.

Who is someone that inspires you right now?

My 12 year-old, AJ, who went scuba-diving for the first time on our vacation last week. I wouldn’t even try, my husband couldn’t equalize, so AJ just did it on his own. 40 feet down to the ocean floor! That ‘just-to-it-ness’ is inspiring.

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