Plan VX

Through in-depth conversations with experts and leaders from the private sector, government, and global institutions, Plan Vx series include conversations on the role communications strategies have in effectively (and correctly) disseminating public health information and risks.

Webinars - Covid-19: The Path Forward

Episode 1 – Where the Science Stands

Weber Shandwick Chairman Jack Leslie moderated a conversation with two leading public health experts who have faced the front lines of two global pandemics – renowned epidemiologist Dr. Michael Merson and leading virologist Dr. David Ho. The discussion addressed the threat of new COVID-19 virus variants, how current vaccination efforts will be impacted and what it means for the future of the pandemic – including implications for return to work, school and travel.

Episode 2 – A Global Balancing Act

As countries around the world try to secure precious vaccine doses and bring the pandemic under control, inequities in vaccination roll outs can have wide-ranging implications for people, countries and economies. This webinar explores how the pandemic influences global relationships and how global companies can navigate a world at varying stages of vaccination and recovery.

Episode 3 – Navigating the Uncharted Landscape

This webinar focuses on considerations for corporate leaders when making decisions in this rapidly changing environment. We explore the practical implications for business operations, reputation and corporate communications – including crafting effective communications strategies, prioritizing information to share with employees, and adapting plans for a diverse employee base.

Episode 4 – The Great Wait: What the New Variants Mean for Return to Work

Weber Shandwick Chairman Jack Leslie moderated the conversation with renowned epidemiologist Dr. Mike Merson, the former dean of Yale School of Public Health and the dean of Duke Global Health Institute, and our very own Pam Jenkins, President of Global Public Affairs and the South GEO and Kate Bullinger, President of United Minds with what you need to know about the new variants, boosters and breakthrough cases, vaccine mandates and what it all means for returning to the workplace.


Episode 1 – A Conversation with Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund

The Global Fund is actively working to raise and deploy money in the fight against COVID-19, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The knock-on effects of COVID-19 are creating a perfect storm and progress made in the fight against the world’s deadliest infectious diseases – HIV, TB and malaria – is under serious threat. In 2020 alone, the economic downturn could also push up to 115 million additional people into extreme poverty. What will it take to fund and deliver an equitable global response?

Episode 2 – A Conversation with Carol Perelman, Director of the Jardin Weizmann De Ciencias

Cases of COVID-19 continue to surge across Latin America and access to and local production of vaccines remains a challenge for many countries. Meanwhile, the region is facing one of its worst recessions, mostly due to the ripple effects of the pandemic. What is driving the resurgence of cases in the region, and what will it take to widen access to vaccines? How does the approach leaders take to communications impact a country or population’s health outcomes?

Episode 3 – A Conversation with Cary Adams, Chief Executive Officer, Union for International Cancer Control

This episode covers the downstream impact of COVID-19 on global public health and noncommunicable diseases, such as cancer. Since the early days of the pandemic, hospitals and health systems have seen a steady decline in preventative health screenings and treatment, particularly among those living with cancer. For many, this has been driven by fear of contracting COVID-19, while others around the world faced access issues due to lack of funding and low resources, further exacerbating the disparities in care. From the drop in cancer screenings, to the silver linings of the pandemic and the role telehealth has played – Cary shares his firsthand perspective on what the UICC is seeing, the lessons learned and the actions being taken to get back on track.


Our Plan Vx playbooks offer best practices to business leaders as they support vaccine efforts, prepare for, and navigate through returning to the workplace amidst COVID-19.

Amid the 2024 elections, Pulse on Political Narratives is a first-of-its-kind, AI-powered study identifying what candidates across the political spectrum are saying about issues that matter to companies and their stakeholders.