Leading at the Intersections 2023

Leading at the Intersections 2023 provides our clients with actionable insights on some of the biggest issues of the moment, what to be watching for in 2023, plus some of our best thinking from the past year.

By Paul Massey

Welcome to Leading at the Intersections 2023.

Any new year offers a prime opportunity for goal setting and forecasting. And while we’re on board with the personal (and practical) resolutions of stepping away from our devices more, carving out time for friends and family and drinking more water – our team resolutions for 2023 center on leadership.

We’re focused on the ways our team at Powell Tate, the public affairs unit of The Weber Shandwick Collective, can continue to inspire, inform and ignite leadership from clients across sectors to drive business and organizational performance – and to make a positive impact on the world.

That’s especially so as we reflect on our role in the new Business & Society Futures offering, which adds to the advisory capabilities within The Weber Shandwick Collective, with a new roster of external advisors to help clients meet a new standard of leadership.

At Powell Tate, curiosity animates our work and is our starting point for understanding the fast-changing world around us and determining how we partner with clients to navigate complexity, mitigate risk, and deliver work that creates value.

This year will again bring many twists and turns across the worlds of media, politics, technology, healthcare and more. This report succinctly explores some of the biggest issues of the moment — and what to be watching for in 2023.

Our report is organized into the following sections:

  • Reflections on the public mood
  • From 2022 to 2023: What’s next on the global agenda
  • From political polarization to…political polarization?
  • From pop culture to in-culture
  • From woke capitalism to sustainable innovation
  • From disparity to health equity
  • From misinformation to narrative intelligence

Thanks for taking the time to read this report. As always, we welcome any questions or ideas it may spark – and look forward to hearing from you.



President, Powell Tate and Global Lead of Social Impact, Weber Shandwick

Managing risk & reputation in an election year

Throughout the course of the 2024 election cycle, our Global Elections Task Force has been providing data-driven election insights, analysis, and real-time counsel to our team and clients. Get timely insights on our Election Matters home page.