EU Elections Insights – Results & Business Impact Analysis

Europeans have voted in EU parliamentary elections, with parties on the right making gains. To help business navigate the landscape, anticipate change, seize opportunities and mitigate regulatory risk, our public affairs teams have analyzed the election results and identified key trends to watch. Our report provides insights into the future of EU sustainability, health, and tech policy, and a perspective from Washington. […]

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What to Watch: IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings

Finance ministers, central bank governors and development experts are convening in Washington this week for the annual spring meetings of the World Bank and IMF. This year’s event takes place amid an environment of sluggish economic growth and rising sovereign debt, geopolitical concerns and demand for reforms in both multilateral institutions. Here are what to watch. […]

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“Speak Up,” Americans Demand of Corporate Leaders

Our latest national survey “Pulse on America: Public and Employee Opinions on Business and Societal Issues” sheds light on employees’ and consumers’ attitudes on corporate social engagement, the term “woke,” and recent rulings related to affirmative action and LGBTQ+ issues. […]

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Climate Spotlight 2022

As world leaders, CEOs, advocates and policymakers convene for the UN General Assembly, NY Climate Week and several other high-profile convenings this month, our team is tracking key climate trends, policies, events and implications for corporate leaders. We created the Climate Spotlight 2022 briefing to provide an overview of recent trends and policy actions and look ahead to global climate diplomacy through the end of this year. […]

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Amid the 2024 elections, Pulse on Political Narratives is a first-of-its-kind, AI-powered study identifying what candidates across the political spectrum are saying about issues that matter to companies and their stakeholders.