Policy Matters the State of the Union and the General Election

The general election campaign for President of the United States is underway and the tensions and stakes are high. In our latest edition of Policy Matters, we assess recent, consequential developments in Washington, D.C., from the White House to Capitol Hill, as well as on the campaign trail and before the courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. […]

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Leading at the Intersections in 2024: Leading Amid A Changing and Chaotic World

Powell Tate’s report Leading at the Intersections 2024 covers six of the most front-and-center issues that impact businesses across all sectors, including AI, geopolitics and the 2024 elections. See our perspectives on 2024. […]

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“Speak Up,” Americans Demand of Corporate Leaders

Our latest national survey “Pulse on America: Public and Employee Opinions on Business and Societal Issues” sheds light on employees’ and consumers’ attitudes on corporate social engagement, the term “woke,” and recent rulings related to affirmative action and LGBTQ+ issues. […]

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Policy Matters: State Policy Round-Up

This edition of Policy Matters looks at some of the biggest, most divisive issues playing out at the state level in 2023. Several states are proving to be “trend-setters” – on the leading edge of certain policies that have captured the attention and energy of the national political parties. The outcomes of the 2023 state legislative session preview some of the issues that will dominate campaigns up and down the ballot in the 2024 elections. […]

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The Employee Imperative of ESG

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres declared at COP27 that “we must have zero tolerance for net zero greenwashing” and lawmakers around the world are responding to this call. While global companies are moving quickly to adopt, there is real evidence to suggest that organizations are overlooking an important internal watchdog — their own employees. […]

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Insights, Implications and Eyes on the Future

From geopolitics to cyberattacks to ESG, major trends are shaping our world. We are excited to share the latest perspectives on a variety of critical issues. Unpredictions: Insights into policy, business, tech, media and culture around the world explores these trends and raises some overarching questions for organizations and their leaders to consider. […]

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Purpose Decoded Forecast: 2023 Sustainability Agenda

‘2023 Sustainability Agenda’ is the third installment of our ‘Purpose Decoded Forecast’ series on the global trends shaping the environment, social and governance (ESG) agenda in 2023. Our global Sustainability Task Force spoke to a range of experts to better understand the future of sustainable business and where leaders should focus to accelerate progress. […]

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Purpose Decoded Forecast: 2023 ESG Disclosure Landscape

‘2023 ESG Disclosure Landscape’ is the second installment of our ‘Purpose Decoded Forecast’ series on the global trends shaping the environment, social and governance (ESG) agenda in 2023. Our global Sustainability Task Force spoke to a range of experts to better understand why ESG disclosure matters and how alignment to relevant and reliable disclosure practices can help advance ESG as a strategic business driver. […]

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Purpose Decoded Forecast: 2023 Climate Action Roadmap

‘2023 Climate Action Roadmap’ is the fourth and final installment of our ‘Purpose Decoded Forecast’ series on the global trends shaping the environment, social and governance (ESG) agenda in 2023. Our global Sustainability Task Force spoke to a range of experts to better understand the business transformation opportunity and the broader innovation imperative to achieve a net-zero future and protect vital natural capital in the era of climate change. […]

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Purpose Decoded Forecast: 2023 ESG Outlook

‘2023 ESG Outlook’ is the first installment of our ‘Purpose Decoded Forecast’ series on the global trends shaping the environment, social and governance (ESG) agenda in 2023. Our global Sustainability Task Force spoke to a range of experts to discuss how CEOs and corporate leaders should define ESG strategically to drive business performance and impact. […]

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Leading at the Intersections 2023

Powell Tate’s report, Leading at the Intersections 2023 provides our clients with actionable insights on some of the biggest issues of the moment, what to be watching for in 2023, as well as some of our best thinking from the past year. […]

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COP27: Net Zero’s Greenwashing Reckoning and Communications Implications

While many hoped this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) would catalyze global momentum towards addressing the increasingly dire predictions of our warming climate, the outcome was once again flawed yet consequential for our world and our organizations — with clear implications for corporate communicators. […]

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Communicating Clearly and Transparently on Climate Solutions

Sustainability terms are oftentimes vague and extremely technical — and using these terms incorrectly or interchangeably can lead to confusion among stakeholders and significant reputational issues for brands. To help reduce risk and provide full transparency to your stakeholders on your environmental progress, communicators should know and understand this vocabulary. […]

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Amid the 2024 elections, Pulse on Political Narratives is a first-of-its-kind, AI-powered study identifying what candidates across the political spectrum are saying about issues that matter to companies and their stakeholders.