Davos 2023: Where’s the Gravity Gone?

This year’s World Economic Forum brought together 3,000 government, business, and civil society decision-makers to address major global issues and priorities for 2023. The mood was decidedly mixed, even confused. And yet, there were signs of optimism and urgency to adapt to a rapidly changing, complex world. Read the full report for insights and analysis of this year’s event. […]

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Leading at the Intersections 2023

Powell Tate’s report, Leading at the Intersections 2023 provides our clients with actionable insights on some of the biggest issues of the moment, what to be watching for in 2023, as well as some of our best thinking from the past year. […]

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The Freedom to Speak Freely

It is one of the many ironies of our age that we constantly hear calls for national “conversations” about the great issues of the day, and then have only to wait nanoseconds before the calls are overwhelmed by outrage as soon as the discussion begins. Under the circumstances, it seems fair to ask if we have freedom of speech if we’re disinclined to speak freely? […]

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Evolution of the C-Suite in 2020: Top 8 Trends

The events of 2020 — from managing through a global pandemic to weathering an economic downturn and backslide on global development, navigating through a reckoning on racial equity and experiencing the growing impacts of climate change — have tested the C-Suite like no other time
in recent memory. […]

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Amid the 2024 elections, Pulse on Political Narratives is a first-of-its-kind, AI-powered study identifying what candidates across the political spectrum are saying about issues that matter to companies and their stakeholders.